

Eagles fan with a background in economics, statistics, and technology and unofficial president of the “draft a cornerback” fan club. I began playing with NFL player value data leading up to the 2021 draft for two reasons: first, to stay sharp technically and play with some data packages in Python and, second, I wondered what the data said about some of the common views of Eagles draft Twitter (like you can find cornerbacks late, or just draft Kelce’s replacement in the 6th like him, or Howie’s linebackers don’t matter). Here I try to balance analytics and football – I do not believe data tells you everything about a sport as complicated as football, but do believe it can show a perspective that is often missing. I won’t write the normal articles you will find everywhere else, but hopefully provide a unique perspective.


Life long Eagles fan with a background in sports photography. Recently combined journalism, photography and a passion for sports to join Greg on this online adventure of providing (what we hope will be) a different perspective and unique articles you don’t see everywhere else.